Interview Accelerator Program

From 0 Interviews to the 3rd Interview Stage

So you're here because you've submitted countless applications but are struggling to get more interviews?

Well, you're definitely not alone!
And let me tell you - the problem isn't YOU, it's your STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT"

A common job seeker makes the following mistakes and no one corrects them:

-> They make a resume to the best of their ability and think that's the final product

-> They have a list of job roles in various industries and positions they're interested in

-> They search for these opportunities on SEEK, Indeed, LinkedIn etc.

-> They upload their resume and perhaps a cover letter, submitting the application

-> They message a recruiter to cover the 'networking' part

......... and they never hear back! If you've made one or more of these mistakes, maybe that's why you're not getting called for interviews.

"But don't worry, with a decade of experience in Interviewing and Hiring, I am qualified to take you from one side (job searching) to the other (landing your job) by helping you cross this CRUCIAL bridge in the middle, i.e. getting into and through the interview process!"

So, what is Strategic Alignment?

Having a clear direction on your target role, position, and company. Knowing your skills and strengths along with future professional goals.

Aligning your resume and digital profiles to match this direction. Crafting your unique selling point to stand out amongst a sea of applicants.

Strategically branding yourself and networking with the right people. Getting on the radar of hiring managers and future team members, and attracting opportunities.

Being prepared for the interview stages and marketing yourself confidently. Presenting yourself by showing your value in the role. Walk away with a job offer that is in line with your WORTH!

"And it’s all about having a community of people going through the same journey to support you and having a mentor who’s been there to guide you all the way."






What to Expect...

My 6-week Interview Accelerator Program is your ticket to success in today's competitive job market.

In this program, our objective is simple – to get you from 0 interviews right through to the 3rd interview stage so you can get more job offers and land your dream role.

Throughout the six weeks, we'll dive deep into every aspect of the interview process. We will start by clarifying your career direction and creating a strategic journey for you to align yourself to the target role. From crafting a standout resume that gets past recruiter screenings to mastering the art of showcasing your skills and experience on your digital profiles such as LinkedIn.

But it's not just about what's on paper or how you present yourself in interviews. We'll also deep dive into the critical strategies you need to ace networking connections and essentially being head-hunted down by recruiters. Because success isn't just about what you know; it's also about who you know and how you engage with them.

For the interview stages, I bring in
my magic through multiple MOCK interviews sessions which are customized to your target job profile, so your interviewer sees you as the perfect fit for the role and you can confidently negotiate salary according to your WORTH!

With my background as both a recruiter and interviewer, I've distilled over 10+ years of experience into this program. I've seen what makes candidates stand out, what impresses hiring managers, and what gets you from the initial application to the final interview stage. This has helped individuals land their dream job in WEEKS, simply by landing more interviews.

With my expertly curated modules, practical exercises, and personalized guidance, you'll master every aspect of the interview process. Plus, our bonuses—including a job search strategy workbook, LinkedIn profile checklist, and a list of 100 interview questions and answers and MORE — will give you the edge you need to stand out from the crowd.

Program Structure and Inclusions

  • Wk1 - Module #1 : Understanding your career and financial goals

  • Wk1 - Module #2: Reviewing 3-5 chosen job advertisements (JA)

  • Wk1 - Module #3: Company and culture research of each selected JA

  • Wk1 - Module #4: Brainstorming your suitability for the job role and becoming a perfect fit

  • Wk2 - Module #5: Mapping and translating your skills and experiences to each JA

  • Wk2 - Module #6: LinkedIn analysis and review

  • Wk2 - Module #7: Networking strategies with each JA recruiters and company team members

  • Wk3 - Module #8: Writing an Effective Resume and Cover Letter tailored to each JA

  • Wk3 - Module #9: Application submission and support

  • Wk3 - Module #10: Post-Application Follow-Up Strategies

  • Wk4 - Module # 11: Interview Preparation through MOCK interviews for Core, Technical and Behavioral Questions

  • Wk5 - Module #12: Post-Interview Follow-Up Strategies

  • Wk5 - Module 13: Salary Negotiation

  • Wk6 - Module 14: Offer Letter Acceptance

  • Wk6 - Module #15: Day 1 Onboarding Support

  • Everything you need laid out in total detail

  • ​Templates, video and mp3 downloads easy to follow

  • ​​Become Fully Certified In Digital Marketing By Mastering Social Media - Such As LinkedIin, YouTube, Instagram And Facebook

  • ​​​Digital Marketing Strategy Campaigns, Construct Copy That Sells., Landing Page And Funnel Design And The "TAP" System Target, Attract And Present

  • ​Normal Price: $9,995

  • ​2nd Prize Scholarship: 20 x $5,000 Prizes

  • ​Finance: $4,995

  • ​Or Pay In Full: $2,997


• BONUS #1: Accelerate your Network and Growth 10x in 1 Month

• BONUS #2: 120 pages Job Search Strategy Workbook

• BONUS #3: LinkedIn Profile Checklist
• BONUS #4: 5 Types of Custom Resume Templates
• BONUS #5:
Interview Preparation Checklist
• BONUS #6:
List of 100 Core, Behavioral and Technical Interview Questions and Answers
• BONUS #7: Day 1 on Job Readiness Checklist

6 Months of LIVE Q/A Coaching

24 x 7 Online Support

Member ONLY Forum

14-Day Money Back Guarantee

... It’s not a COURSE or a DONE-FOR-YOU service.

It’s LIVE collaboration between an individual and a mentor.

But don’t take it from me

Let’s hear from past clients:

"I couldn't believe it when I landed a job at Microsoft after just one interview because my resume ended up explaining my suitability for the role! Thanks to IAP, I revamped my resume to showcase my skills and experiences perfectly. The interview process skipped the second round entirely, and I secured the job of my dreams. This program and Aman's help truly made all the difference!"

Shaun, New York

"In just under 3 weeks, I went from job seeker to employee at Capgemini , all thanks to the strategies I learned in the Interview Accelerator Program. The step-by-step guidance and actionable tips helped me navigate the job search process with confidence and efficiency!"

Ash, Sydney

A couple of months ago I signed up for IAP as 'I was feeling stagnant in my job search. I was afraid to apply for roles with my international experience'. Aman helped me use this experience to my advantage and positioned me very cleverly for high paying roles. She helped me with my communication skills and we did mock interviews together which enabled me bag 2 HUGE offers in the span of 5 weeks. I'm so grateful for Aman's help and of course we are still in touch as she helped me with the onboarding of my new role as well!

Rajesh, Auckland

Just wanted to say thank you to Aman. Your program was fabulous and your tips and tricks have landed me more opportunities in the past month than I've had in three years. And I'm so happy to let you know that I just signed a contract for my new dream job at Walmart! Thank you a million times over! X

Nancy, Toronto

"I had the pleasure of working with Aman recently, and I was impressed by her expertise and experience in career coaching. She is not only highly knowledgeable in her field, but she also has a sweet and approachable demeanor that makes her very easy to talk to. Her insights and guidance are invaluable for anyone looking to advance their career. I highly recommend Aman to anyone seeking a skilled and personable career😊"

Tanvi, Bath

"I was struggling to even land an interview, but after enrolling in this course, everything changed. Within a week, I had interviews lined up with IBM, Accenture, and Deloitte! Not only did I clear all rounds of the interview stage, but I also received job offers from all three companies. I was able to choose the top offer at Deloitte! Thanks to Aman, she even helped me kickstart my career journey and we are still in touch as she provides on-going support!"

Kelvin, Vancouver

So you're wondering about next steps?

"There's a qualification process - since I only work with a LIMITED number of clients per month. This process allows both of us to find out if we're a good fit and 100% on our decision to work together in the next 6 weeks - 6 months".

STAGE 1: FREE 10-Mins Phone Call

An initial call where I ask you questions to determine if we’re a good fit. If not, I’ll provide you with advice that you can use immediately or revisit when you’re ready. If we are a fit, I'll request your Resume and potential job postings that you're interested in and you’ll proceed to Stage 2.

STAGE 2: FREE 30-Mins Video Call

This extended call includes a detailed analysis of your resume and its alignment with your target role. I will present a clear strategy and plan to help you secure this position. Additionally, this call provides an opportunity for you to ask questions about myself and the Interview Accelerator Program.

STAGE 3: Program Schedule and Fess

If you’re satisfied with the plan presented in Stage 2 and ready to move forward, I will provide details on my services, fees, and your start date. You’ll receive an email with a complete schedule of the Live coaching calls and materials. From there, you’ll be coming out the other side with a HOT job offer.

Empowering Your Career Journey, One Interview at a Time


Offers Received

< 20

Fastest Offer in Days


Highest Salary


Countries Served

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this program for?

With my background working as a Data Analyst, Business Analyst and a Project Manager and also interviewing candidates from multiple industries, I have confidently prepared previous clients for all Technical and Business orientated roles. This included, Business Analyst, Data Analyst, Financial Analyst, Risk Analyst, , IT Analyst, Software Developer, Network Engineer, Systems Administrator, Database Administrator, DevOps Engineer, Cybersecurity Specialist, Cloud Engineer, IT Support Specialist, Software Engineer, Data Scientist, IT Architect, Machine Learning Engineer, AI Specialist, Front-End Developer, Back-End Developer, Full-Stack Developer, QA Engineer, Technical Consultant, Technical Product Manager, Data Engineer, Project Manager, Senior Project Manager, Junior Project Manager, Technical Project Manager, IT Project Manager, Construction Project Manager, Engineering Project Manager, Program Manager, Agile Project Manager, Scrum Master, Product Manager, PMO (Project Management Office) Manager, Change Manager, Risk Manager, Project Coordinator, Project Scheduler, Project Planner, Project Analyst, Project Lead, Operations Project Manager and Resource Manager.

How long is the program?

The program is designed for 6 weeks and my previous clients have landed their jobs in less than 20 days. However, I know that work and life can get in the way, so I’ve allowed up to 6 months of coaching calls for you to continuously get help. I've had clients who've landed their target role and joined the weekly calls to work on their onboarding and preparation for the new job.

How much time do I need to invest in IAP every week?

The program is designed to fit with YOUR schedule. You have lifetime access to all recorded coaching videos and bonus materials – this way, you can access the topics you need coaching on whenever you need it, any time of the day. I got your back!

Does it matter where I’m located?

Not at all! The strategies inside the IAP have an online setup so you can give virtual interviews or even get a completely remote job, it all depends on what you want and how you're willing to make it work. My past client come from all around the world: USA, Canada, India, and Australia. We have had students from over 35 countries!

I have a lot going on and I’m not sure... Is now the right time to join?

Have you realized that you spend more time at work than with your family? And if your career, this HUGE part of your week, is not making you feel happy, fulfilled and appreciated… How does that affect your relationships, your physical and mental health, the enjoyment you normally get from your hobbies?

The longer you stay in a career that doesn’t serve you anymore, the more you let it affect every other area of your life.And the busier you are, the MORE you need a step-by-step strategy to save yourself time and effort trying to DIY your way to a dream job.

Can I just figure this out on my own? There is a ton of tips available online

You’ve probably read and watched your fair share of job landing tips but yet, you’re here. You still don’t have complete clarity on what your dream job is and how to land it. That’s because tips are NOT the same as a full strategy and step-by-step implementation plan to accompany that strategy. Tips are NOT the same as having an expert guide you on how to adjust that implementation plan to YOUR situation. I recently heard on a podcast that, in life, we pay for things either with our time or with our money. Isn’t that the truth! I don’t know about you, but I believe that we can make our money back easily (my clients’ ROI is proof of that), but we can’t ever get our time back. You can spend the next few years trying to piece together the strategy and the plan, inevitably make a ton of mistakes along the way, miss out on years of fulfilment and pay that you deserve, and, potentially, still not figure it out on your own. Or, you can choose to invest in yourself and join The Interview Accelerator program today to get instant access to the A-Z roadmap to success and live coaching support. This way, you are guaranteed to get to your goal of a dream career (and dream pay!) in the fastest and easiest way possible.

How quickly can I expect to see results?

You will start seeing results immediately – you will see huge mindset changes after watching the first few lessons. I can’t guarantee that you will receive a job offer and how quickly you will receive it. This depends on your performance, how complex your situation is (changing industries, moving countries, etc.), and how quickly you start implementing what you learn in the program. You have lifetime access to the program material, so I got you covered, even if your situation is complex and it will take time. My policy is “No client left behind!”. That said, past students have received job offers as fast as 20 days, and most student land the it dream job in 1-2 months.

What’s the refund policy?

I offer 14-day ‘do the work’ full refund policy. This means that if within 14 days after joining the program you go through the sheets and show up on the coaching calls, but feel like the program is not the right fit for you, I’ll issue a full refund.

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