Stuck In The Endless Cycle of Submitting Job Applications?

The Problem Is Not You...


In 30 Minutes I'll guide you how to craft a standout resume that gets you noticed by top employers -



*Limited seating - price only available to the first 50 people.*

What You Will Learn On This Webinar:


Understand what recruiters need

You'll gain invaluable insights into what recruiters are looking for in a resume, ensuring your application stands out from the crowd. I'll show you exactly how to tailor your resume to meet recruiters' needs, increasing your chances of landing your dream job


Identify the Common Mistakes

We'll delve into common resume pitfalls, providing you with the knowledge to identify and rectify them effectively. By understanding these mistakes, you'll be equipped to present a polished and professional resume that leaves a lasting impression on recruiters.


Craft the Perfect Resume

I will provide step-by-step guidance on crafting a resume that showcases your skills and experience in the best possible light. Through practical exercises and expert tips, you'll learn how to tailor your resume to each job application, ensuring it stands out and grabs the attention of recruiters.

I’ll Show You How To Put Together The Perfect Resume Even If You Feel Like You Have Given Up On Applying For Jobs...

In the webinar, I'll walk you through the entire job application process, starting with the foundation of a stellar resume. Discover why your resume is your most important asset in your job search and learn how to avoid common mistakes that could be holding you back. I will reveal what recruiters are really looking for in resumes, including the importance of format, structure, and how to optimize your resume for ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) scoring.

Don't let your resume be a roadblock in your job search journey. Learn how to translate your skills effectively and identify the keywords that will make your resume stand out to recruiters. With a selection process as competitive as 1 in 200 applicants, having a standout resume is essential to getting noticed and advancing to the next stage.

This webinar is not necessarily industry-specific; however, it's designed for anyone who is serious about advancing their career. Get personalized advice and practical tips on how to improve your resume right away. Bring your current resume and get hands-on guidance to make impactful edits and optimizations.

About Aman Toor

Founder Business Leaders Lens

Hello, I'm Aman Toor.

With over a decade of experience as a Head Project Manager and Interviewer, I've had the privilege of interviewing more than 500 candidates and meticulously reviewing over 2000 resumes. Throughout my career, I've been deeply immersed in the recruitment process, gaining valuable insights into what truly makes a candidate stand out in today's competitive job market.

My passion for helping individuals unlock their full potential has led to numerous success stories. I've facilitated over 50 job offers, with candidates securing positions at top companies across various industries. Additionally, I've negotiated some of the best salary packages, with offers exceeding $210,000.

I'm dedicated to empowering job seekers with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed in their careers. Through this webinar, I aim to help individuals craft resumes that make a lasting impression and navigate the job search process with confidence.


Offers Received

< 20

Fastest Offer in Days


Highest Salary


Countries Served

Ready To Change Your Future?

30 Minutes Could Be All That It Takes....

  • Understanding the job application process

  • Importance of a well-crafted resume

  • Avoiding common resume mistakes

  • ATS optimization techniques

  • Translating skills effectively

  • Identifying keywords in job descriptions

  • Live Q&A sessions and personalized guidance

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  • Access to the Workshop Replay

  • Resume Template to apply to your experience and industry

  • Resume Writing Check List

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