Hi, I'm Aman

By profession, I am a Head Project Manager, Interviewer and a Hiring Manager with 10+ years of experience in Australia.

Through my business, I am a career coach and a job search strategist who helps technical and project managers achieve more interviews and job offers so they can land high-paying careers.

Unlike other career coaches, who're selling $7 resume templates or boasting they know a whole lot about the hiring process have never been on the other side of the interview table.

That's why the key differentiator between myself and other career coaches is my decade long experience as an interviewer so I have the vision of your career alignment which can get you into and across the interview stage.

My Story

"I was 9 years old when I moved to Australia with my family and as a kid I loved going to the city to see all the high rise buildings...I used to dream of working in them one day"

When I graduated with a degree in Mathematical and Computer Sciences, I got a grad role as a Data Analyst which helped me develop core technical skills and I worked with a range of industries such as Government, Health, Banking and Finance. However, soon I realized that I no longer wanted to behind the screen and wanted to be the 'face' of the projects that I was working on.

So, I transitioned into a Business Analyst position where I got to work directly with my senior managers and deal with multi-industrial clients in the Consulting space. At this point, I developed a strong business acumen by attaining soft skills and gaining deep business knowledge. Through time I started handling the financial aspect of these projects too and that's how I drifted into Project Management.

I hit a road bump when my boss rejected my application for a Project Manager role, I thought I had everything that they wanted. However, the feedback was that I lacked necessary leadership skills to move into Project Management. So, I had to do something about this. I hired a leadership coach to work with me and from there my professional life changed. He put in the right strategies for me to implement at work which established my authority in the role and unlocked so much hidden potential. My seniors noticed a drastic change in my approach and approached me with the opportunity to be promoted to a Senior Project Manager role. In this role, I worked on multi-industrial projects such as Power and Utilities, Retail, IT and Education.

I climbed a tough ladder to be at my current position as a Head PM and an Interviewer but my experience having worked with multiple industries did work in my favor. Working as a professional is one thing but being an Interviewer and Hiring Manager along with a profession is another. I've interviewed candidates for multi-industrial roles and its a huge responsibility of making a career decision for a candidate who has their whole heart invested in the process.

I've had the privilege of interviewing more than 500 candidates and meticulously reviewing over 2000 resumes. Throughout my career, I've been deeply involved in the recruitment process, gaining valuable insights into what truly makes a candidate stand out in the competitive job market. Through these assessments, I noticed why a lot of resumes were being dropped before they even ended up in my hands. There were times when I hoped the candidate would just say this one thing and I would hire them the next minute but they never did which unfortunately meant they lost the opportunity.

This is why I decided to become a career coach and started Business Leaders Lens as I wanted to gain the power of aligning candidates to their target roles, from what their resumes to each interview stage. I’ve now helped 50+ people from 35+ countries land jobs in various industries through my program. They've all landed their dream jobs just by applying to 3-5 job applications in the entirety of us working together. Unlike previously how were applying for hundreds of applications and weren't getting a single interview. Additionally, I've negotiated some of the best salary packages, with offers exceeding $180,000.

The only restriction I have is my love and attachment to my profession so having a full-time role means I can only dedicate my attention to a few. Which is why I have a cap of 5 clients per month because I want to ensure they get my undivided attention and the results they're after. That's why my clients have landed their jobs in less than 20 days of us working together.

And it doesn't end here, I've helped some of my successful clients with their day 1 onboarding and readiness for their new role. I'm also in touch with a lot of them as they tell me about the exciting projects they're working on. It makes me so happy to see them flourishing in their chosen careers.

"I'm truly dedicated to empowering job seekers with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed in their careers."

"My mission is to empower individuals to find fulfillment and alignment in their career."


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