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About ME

Hello, I'm Aman Toor, I am a Head Project Manager and an Interviewer in Australia with over 10+ years of experience.

I’ve switched 3 companies in the total of 10 years, starting as a Data Analyst, then a Business Analyst and finally becoming a Project Manager. In all 3 job applications, I went through to clear all stages of the interview process right through to job offers all. So, personally I’ve had a 100% success rate.t ME

While interviewing over 2000+ candidates, I noticed how many ambitious professionals lacked clarity and made mistakes in the job application process. This is why I became a Career Coach and have now helped 50+ people, across 35+ countries land jobs their dream roles.

With a 100% success rate as a Career Coach, I’m excited to share my proven method that has tailored strategies to align an individual to their target role so they can achieve a fulfilling and prosperous career. Are you ready to accelerate your interviews and job offers?

Many Services, One Approach

Personalized Career Guidance

As a career coach I engage in in-depth conversations with you to understand your aspirations, strengths, and areas of interest. We work together to create a personalized career plan that outlines actionable steps to reach your goals. This includes clarifying your professional direction, setting achievable milestones, and providing ongoing support and adjustments as needed.

Career Change Support

Transitioning to a new career path requires careful planning. I can help you assess your current skills and interests, identify transferable skills, and explore industries that align with your passions. I'll guide you through steps such as networking with professionals in your desired field, obtaining additional training or certifications, and creating a compelling narrative for your career change.

Interview Preparation

Acing interviews requires preparation and confidence. With 10+ years of experience as an interviewer and hiring manager, I cover a wide range of techniques for answering technical and challenging questions, practicing core and behavioral interviews for your specific role. Mock interviews and feedback sessions help you refine responses and build confidence for real-world scenarios.

Networking and
Personal Branding

Effective networking and personal branding can open doors to opportunities. I cover strategies for building a strong professional network, both in-person and online. I'll guide you through creating a compelling LinkedIn profile, establishing your expertise through thought leadership, and effectively communicating your value to potential employers, collaborators, and clients.

Interview Accelerator Program

6 Months of Coaching & Community With Aman Toor

My signature coaching program is the result of over 10 years of experience as an interviewer and hiring manager, with background knowledge in technical and business-oriented roles.

It is designed for you to progress you to the 3rd stage of every job application - so you can get more job offers. With hands-on support and comprehensive resources, you'll find your dream job, with a pay you deserve, in 6 weeks or less!

To ensure my personalized attention to each person, the program is available to just 3-5 clients per month. Click here to find out more...

But don’t take it from me

Let’s hear from past clients:

"I couldn't believe it when I landed a job at Microsoft after just one interview because my resume ended up explaining my suitability for the role! Thanks to IAP, I revamped my resume to showcase my skills and experiences perfectly. The interview process skipped the second round entirely, and I secured the job of my dreams. This program and Aman's help truly made all the difference!"

Shaun, New York

"In just under 3 weeks, I went from job seeker to employee at Capgemini , all thanks to the strategies I learned in the Interview Accelerator Program. The step-by-step guidance and actionable tips helped me navigate the job search process with confidence and efficiency!"

Ash, Sydney

A couple of months ago I signed up for IAP as 'I was feeling stagnant in my job search. I was afraid to apply for roles with my international experience'. Aman helped me use this experience to my advantage and positioned me very cleverly for high paying roles. She helped me with my communication skills and we did mock interviews together which enabled me bag 2 HUGE offers in the span of 5 weeks. I'm so grateful for Aman's help and of course we are still in touch as she helped me with the onboarding of my new role as well!

Rajesh, Auckland

Just wanted to say thank you to Aman. Your program was fabulous and your tips and tricks have landed me more opportunities in the past month than I've had in three years. And I'm so happy to let you know that I just signed a contract for my new dream job at Walmart! Thank you a million times over! X

Nancy, Toronto

"I had the pleasure of working with Aman recently, and I was impressed by her expertise and experience in career coaching. She is not only highly knowledgeable in her field, but she also has a sweet and approachable demeanor that makes her very easy to talk to. Her insights and guidance are invaluable for anyone looking to advance their career. I highly recommend Aman to anyone seeking a skilled and personable career😊"

Tanvi, Bath

"I was struggling to even land an interview, but after enrolling in this course, everything changed. Within a week, I had interviews lined up with IBM, Accenture, and Deloitte! Not only did I clear all rounds of the interview stage, but I also received job offers from all three companies. I was able to choose the top offer at Deloitte! Thanks to Aman, she even helped me kickstart my career journey and we are still in touch as she provides on-going support!"

Kelvin, Vancouver

Why waste time and lose money on Trial and Error in your job search,

when Proven Strategies can help you land your Dream Role 10x Faster?

Take your first step today...

FREE Resume Writing Webinar and Bonuses

30-Minute Webinar worth $220 which includes:

  • Understanding the job application process

  • Importance of a well-crafted resume

  • Avoiding common resume mistakes

  • ATS optimization techniques

  • Translating skills effectively

  • Identifying keywords in job descriptions

  • Live Q&A sessions and personalized guidance

    Along with FREE Bonuses worth $79:
    Resume template, Resume Writing Check List and Resume Writing Guide

FREE 10-Min call with Aman Toor

We’ll start with an initial call to discuss your current situation, career goals, and timeline. This will help me ask the right questions to determine if we're a good fit.

If we're not a fit, I'll still provide you with valuable advice that you can implement right away or use when you're ready.

If we are a fit, the next step will be another FREE 30-minute session where I'll analyze your resume and show you the plan to align you to your target role.

Click below to get started...

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